Is it worth fighting a big war, in the name of an abstraction like sovereignty? 在主权之类抽象概念的名义下打一场大战是否值得呢?
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen. 以圣父、圣子和圣灵的名义,阿门。
Do you think that they would forfeit profit in the name of safety? 你认为他们会为了安全而放弃利润吗?
A double room had been reserved for him in the name of Muller. 已用穆勒的名字为他预订了一个双人间。
In the United States the majority governs in the name of the people 在美国,多数派代表民众执政。
She accepted the gift in the name of the Save the Children Fund. 她代表“拯救儿童基金会”接受了礼物。
There had been times when she had felt sickened by the things people did in the name of business. 有时人们打着做生意的幌子所做的事情让她感到恶心。
What in the name of heaven's going on? 看在上帝份儿上,这到底是怎么回事?
In the name of humanity I ask the government to reappraise this important issue. 我以人道的名义请求政府重新评估这一重大问题。
They justify every villainy in the name of high ideals. 他们打着实现远大理想的幌子为他们的每件恶行开脱。
Let me thank you in the name of us all. 让我代表我们全体感谢你。
All this is being done in the name of "security"; that is what we tell ourselves. 所有这一切都是以“安全”的名义实施的:我们是这么跟自己说的。
In the name of the development goals we all set at the millennium, the right to food, and our common humanity, I urge all of you to act together now. 我们都在这个新千年开始的时候以发展的名义制定了目标,要确保人们得到粮食的权利,以及我们共同的作为人类的尊严。我迫切要求大家现在就共同行动起来。
Signing a contract in the name of a fictitious unit or in the name of another person; (一)以虚构的单位或者冒用他人名义签订合同的;
Nevertheless it is not considered reasonable that the money is paid every month in the name of housing transfer. 但每月以搬家的名义支付就不能认为是合理的了。
How many of us have ever taken possession of the promises of God in the name of Christ? 今天我们中间有多少信徒曾藉基督的名得到神应许的实现呢?
As we have said previously, it attacked in the name of the revolution& what? 正如我们以前讲到过,它以革命的名义进攻,向什么进攻?
Reserve a table of two in the name of Linda. 以Linda的名义预定一个两人的桌子。
So David went up at Gad's word, which he had spoken in the name of the LORD. 大卫就照著迦得奉耶和华名所说的话上去了。
Version and release are most commonly referred to in the name of AIX, such as AIX7.1. 版本和发行版通常指的是AIX的名称,例如AIX7.1。
Here we specify an LDAP context factory, then pass in the name of our LDAP server with the point at which we want to start. 这里我们指定一个LDAP上下文工厂,然后传递LDAP服务器的名字以及我们想要开始的位置。
Just open the Search dialog and type in the name of the file. 只要打开Search对话框并输入文件名即可。
Next, type in the name of the appearance. 接下来,您要输入外观的名字。
Type in the name of the login user that will be used to connect to the database. 输入将用来连接数据库的用户的登录名。
The RSpec descriptions go in a describe method, and you pass in the name of the class under test and a code block that has the actual spec. describe方法提供了RSpec描述,您将传入测试类的名称和包含实际规范的代码块。
In fact, they are the service data objects found in the name of the specification itself. 事实上,它们是规范名称中的服务数据对象。
API call where we pass in the name of the FORM element as a parameter to the API call. 在此调用中,我们将FORM元素的名称作为一个参数传递给API调用。
For example one common convention for naming service uses upper case letters to separate/ distinguish words in the name of the service. 例如,命名服务的一个常见约定是使用大写字母来分离/区分服务名中的单词。
You could also execute any target in the buildfile ( in this buildfile there happens to be only one), by passing in the name of the target, for example, p.executeTarget(" test"). 您还可以通过传递目标名称,例如p.executeTarget(“test”),来执行此构建文件中的任何目标(在此构建文件中,碰巧只有一个目标)。
In this convention, the words in the name of a service are separated by an underscore. 对于这个约定,构成服务名的单词使用下划线分隔。